Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Weak Dollar Will Push the DOW Higher

Peter Schiff appeared recently on CNBC where he talks about how a weakening US dollar will continue to push the DOW higher. But only in nominal terms, not real terms. Also he discusses how the biggest losses will be in the bond market in coming years.

- Source:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Schiff Report - Unemployment, GDP, Presidential Debates, and Gold

In the latest Schiff Report. Peter Schiff discusses the recent presidential debates, true unemployment, the gdp and of course Gold. You can listen to the full report by watching the video above.

- Source:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Coming Hyperinflation Prepare Yourself

Peter Schiff appears on FOX Business news where he predicts the coming hyperinflation. Are you prepared?

- Souce:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Peter Schiff & Professor Richard Carnell Debate

Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital debates with professor Richard Carnell. The main topic of the debate? "What caused the financial debacle?".

- Watch the full debate here:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Peter Schiff on QE3 "The Whole Economy is Going to Implode"

Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital appeared recently on CNBC where he discusses the unintended consequences of QE3. He is quoted as saying at one point "The Whole US Economy Is Going To Implode!".

- Source:


Peter Schiff Was Right Video 2006 - 2007

Welcome to the Peter Schiff Blog! What better way is there to start off this blog than showing the great video, "peter schiff was right". This video shows how peter was openly laughed at while he was calling the current economic crash. Well we all know that Peter turned out to be 100% correct.