Monday, June 18, 2018

Peter Schiff talks gold investment strategies at mining conference in Canada

Peter Schiff Keynote. Cambridge House International Inc. International Mining Investment Conference, Vancouver, B.C. May 15th 2018.

- Source, Peter Schiff

Friday, June 15, 2018

Peter Schiff: Interest Rates and Gold Will Both Go Up

Money manager Peter Schiff issues a stark warning, “This is not going to end well, and I don’t think the Fed is going to be able to save us again. If you get it wrong this time, you’re done. You are down for the count. You just can’t hold and hope. 

If the stock market gets cut in half again, the Fed is not going to bail you out with another round of quantitative easing. They’re not going to bail you out with rate cuts because the next time the Fed tries to do that, it will destroy the dollar. I am confident of that.” 

What about gold in a rising rate environment? Schiff says, “Gold can go up when rates are rising. 

In fact, gold will go up when rates are rising. Rates are generally rising because you have more inflation. More inflation is good for gold.”

- Source, USA Watchdog

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Peter Schiff: How to Think About the Federal Reserve

Money has been used as a medium of exchange since ancient times. It affects not only economics, but also history, politics, and culture...