Saturday, December 29, 2012

We Can't Solve Our Problems Without Going Over A Cliff

Peter Schiff appears on CNBC with Michael Farr where the quickly approaching Fiscal Cliff is discussed. Peter States the fact that we need to go over the cliff to progress as a country.

- Source, CNBC:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Forgo Currencies for Precious Metals

Peter Schiff, economic pundit and president of Euro Pacific Capital, advises investors to stick with gold despite a recent downturn in bullion prices.

In an interview with CNBC Schiff says there are no currencies which provide a safe harbour investment at present, and that investors who just want to save their money should instead purchase precious metals, which possess intrinsic value and have long played a historic role as sound forms of money.

Schiff also notes that bullion prices will receive a boost from the surging operating costs of mining companies.

- Source:

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gold Didn't Move from $300 to Almost $2000 Without Central Bank Money Printing

Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital appears on CNBC's "Futures Now" to discuss the recent manipulating and gutting of the price of gold. Peter see's this as a good time to buy gold.

- Source:

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Max Keiser Interviews Peter Schiff - Crazy Inflation

Max Keiser talks to Peter Schiff about bonds, dollars and governments buying their own debt in the second half of the show.

- Source, Russia Today:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Phony Economic Growth

"As I wrote when the Fed first embarked on this ill-fated journey, it has no exit strategy. The Fed adopted what amounts to "the roach motel" of monetary policy. If the Fed actually raised rates as a result of one of its movable goal posts being hit, the result could be a much greater financial crisis than the one we lived through in 2008. The bond bubble would burst, interest rates and unemployment would soar, housing prices would collapse, banks would fail, borrowers would default, budget deficits would swell, and there would be no way to finance another round of bailouts for anyone, including the Federal Government itself.

In order to generate phony economic growth and to "pay" our country's debts in the most dishonest manner possible, the Federal Reserve is 100% committed to the destruction of the dollar. Anyone with wealth in the U.S. dollar should be concerned that economic leadership is firmly in the hands of irresponsible bureaucrats who are committed to an ivory tower version of reality that bears no resemblance to the world as it really is."

- Peter Schiff in a recent article he wrote, read the full article here:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

We Will Never Pay It Back, We Can't Pay It Back!

"Euro Pacific Precious Metals CEO Peter Schiff on the growing crisis in the bond market and its impact on the U.S. dollar."

- Sources:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ben Bernanke a SuperHero? Ramesh Ponnuru vs Peter Schiff

"The Conservative Case for Ben Bernanke.

Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor at National Review, on why small-government activists should support the Fed's stimulus program."

- Source, Schiff Radio:

Friday, December 7, 2012

The 91% Top Income Tax Rate is a Fantasy

"In 1958, approximately 28,600 filers (0.06% of all taxpayers) earned the $93,168 or more needed to face marginal rates as high as 30%. These Americans—genuinely wealthy by the standards of the day—paid 5.9% of all income taxes. And now? In 2010, 3.9 million taxpayers (2.75% of all taxpayers) were subjected to rates that were 33% or higher. These Americans—many of whom would hardly call themselves wealthy—reported an adjusted gross income of $209,000 or higher, and they paid 49.7% of all income taxes.

In contrast, the share of taxes paid by the bottom two-thirds of taxpayers has fallen dramatically over the same period. In 1958, these Americans accounted for 41.3% of adjusted gross income and paid 29% of all federal taxes. By 2010, their share of adjusted gross income had fallen to 22.5%. But their share of taxes paid fell far more dramatically—to 6.7%. The 77% decline represents the single biggest difference in the way the tax burden is shared in this country since the late 1950s.

The changes came about not so much by movements in rates but by the addition of tax credits for the poor and the elimination of exemptions for the wealthy. In 1958, even the lowest-tier filers, which included everyone making up to $5,000 annually, were subjected to an effective 20% rate. Today, almost half of all tax filers have no income-tax liability whatsoever, and many "taxpayers" actually get a net refund from the government. Those nostalgic for 1950s-era "tax fairness" should bear this in mind."

- From a recent article in the Wall Street Journal by Peter Schiff:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Real Danger Is in Not Going Over the Fiscal Cliff

"Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital says that the real danger for markets is that the U.S. doesn't go over the " fiscal cliff", as this means that the budget deficit will get bigger."

- Source CNBC: