Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Peter Schiff: The Real National Emergency Isn't At The Border, It's The Debt

"Just because we haven't suffered a crisis - yet- based on this debt doesn't mean that one isn't coming. In fact, there's no way around it. It's just a question of when. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when, and I think when is a lot closer than a lot of people think."

- Source, Seeking Alpha

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Ultimate Gold Panel Forecast for 2019

The Ultimate Gold Panel gets into a deep discussion about the future of Gold based on historical analysis and current economic trends. This is a must-watch for any investor who is serious about profiting from gold.

- Source, Schiff Gold

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Fed Capitulation Is Just The First Piece Of The Puzzle

Not too long ago, it was on autopilot, they were just going to leave it alone and it was going to keep on going and then the market started to cave and then they change that to, well, we're data dependent and now the market starts to go down a little bit more and all of a sudden we're almost done.

- Source, Seeking Alpha

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fed Capitulation is the Beginning of the End

Peter Schiff is the President & CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. 

He is one of the few widely known economists and investment professionals to have warned about the financial crisis before it began.

- Source, Cambridge House

Friday, February 1, 2019

Peter Schiff: Powell Pause Won't be Enough

Earlier today, the monetary drug pushers at the Federal Reserve gave the addicts on Wall Street exactly the fix that they have been craving. 

In fact, not only did Powell deliver exactly what the doctor ordered with respect to interest rates, saying the Fed was going to remain "patient", probably indefinitely, with respect to another rate hike, but Powell also made it clear that the balance sheet wind-down, otherwise known as quantitative tightening, was off of auto-pilot. 

In fact, based on what Powell said, I would be surprised to see any significant reductions in the Fed's balance sheet from here. Not surprising, the market rallied as a result of getting what they wanted out of the Fed.

- Source, Peter Schiff